This is the page where we discuss the results of our Questionaires and Vox Pop. Showing how we have interpreted data we have gathered as a group. This is a mixture of qualitative and quantative data so we can avoid problems such as validity and reliability using the triangulation theory.
" The higher the vailidity the lower the reliability because when something is so vaild it can hardly ever be replicated"
Audience Research Results
Questionaire :
I produced a questionaire that had a combination of open and closed question so we could analyse them stastically as well as interpretively.
From this questionaire we got 49 responses which Ruby and I sat and analysed them all.
In the closed questions we used the tally method to calculate the different results.
Whereas in the open questions we wrote down the different answers as they came along and tallyed next to them if they were repeated.
Josephine Maxfield 13.4
We placed the question number in the top right hand corner so we would know what question this applied to. For example these results apply to question 3 on the questionaire.
We placed the headings in big font so that we could see them clearly when tallying the answers of the questionaire.
We used tallying to calculate the results because it was easy, quick and clear way of establishing what answers were given.
After we had finished this we placed the number we had gathered in each box. This allowed us to see whether or not we had repeated any answers or made any mistakes as all the answers combined would add up to our total which would be 49.
One of the issues that arises from questionaires is the lack of response rate that you get. Especially common with qualitative data. Therefore we had to factor in the amount of blank answers we got for specific questions.
The question number yet again is clear in the right hand corner to avoid confusion.
We wrote down the various answers given by the respondents. If a new answer arose we wrote it down in list form.
We decided to tally the repeated answers. Some incorperated 2 or more of the previous answers give so we tallyed all the answers they included.
How we interpreted the data given?
Questionaire Results:
Josephine Maxfield
We displayed all our results on A3 piece of paper so that we could compare results for different questions. For example most people had seen a short film but the majority of people hadn't heard of the genre artist moving image.
These results are for both Audience Research as well as Audience feedback .