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Prop - Fashion magazine

Prop - Fashion magazine

Used for the magazine flick to show her changing into societies identity of choice.

Prop - Mankin

Prop - Mankin

using the manikin's in a shop window we will us photoshop to edit this to make the character look like her face is on the mankin as she visualises herself in the outfit.

Costume - Unfashionable

Costume - Unfashionable

This is the individuals choice of clothing ;baggy , unflattering, not society's image.

Costume - fashionable

Costume - fashionable

Visual tranformation to what society wants her to be. SFX / Photoshop is used to show this transformation. Clothes from a retail store will be used with pictures taken from still camera will be editted and create the effect.

Body Language

Body Language

Will will use body language to show the characters power, status and confidence.

Facial Expressions

Facial Expressions

This depicts the characters mood. Our main characters expression will change from insecure to comfortable once they converted into a conformist image

Make- up

Make- up

At the start the make up will be of a dark colour palette to reflect her mood and to contrast the bright day. Also this pardoxs the make up used later after the transformation which has a lighter colour paltette.

Positioning Of Characters

Positioning Of Characters

These postions within the frame will reflect the characters status and situation. For example in one scene we will show the main character walking down oxford street in the crowd but her outfit will pardox the rest of the shoppers.

Josephine Maxfield 

Ruby Khushi

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